Becoming a member

¡Become a member of the Spanish Society for Research and Development in Robotics (SEIDROB)!


Membership of SEIDROB enables you:

  • To know and be known in the robotics field in Spain.
  • To have a forum for discussion and exchange, and for identifying prospects for joint research projects.
  • To take part in national and international research forums in which the association is involved.


Additional benefits:

  • Discounts for registration at conferences, which will include awards for the best works, together with summer schools and other events organised by SEIDROB.
  • The opportunity to be a candidate for prizes for the best Masters thesis and the best final degree projects (student members).
  • Research stays with our groups including access to their equipment, according to the rules established by the receiving group.
  • Access to information exclusive to members on the website, including detailed information about members’ projects and lines of research, theses and final degree projects, reports, research data, calls for joining national or European research projects, job offers, etc.


SEIDROB has the following membership categories:

  1. Founder members, those involved in establishing the association.
  2. Full members, those who join after the establishment of the association.
  3. Honorary members, those who merit such a distinction through their own prestige or for having contributed to the reputation and development of the association. Honorary members are nominated by the Executive Board and nominations should be approved at the General Assembly.
  4. Student members, who must be under 30 years of age, are enrolled or receiving a grant at a university or research centre institution, demonstrate an interest in the aims and activities of the association, and be endorsed by two full members.
  5. Organisations, legal entities whose applications are accepted by the Executive Board and approved by the General Assembly. They may be represented at meetings or events of the association by one designated individual in each case.