SEIDROB will continue the organization of events
Tutorial on Aerial Robotic Manipulation at IROS 2018
The Robotics, Vision and Control group (GRVC) of the University of Seville organizes a full-day tutorial on Aerial Robotic Manipulation at the IROS 2018 conference, that will be held in Madrid on October 5th, 2018. The tutorial provides an introduction to the theory and practice of aerial manipulation. Aerial manipulators are aerial robots with attached mechatronic devices as robotic arms or grippers, which are able to grasp, transport, position and manipulate objects and apply forces to the environment. The design, control and sensing of aerial manipulators present differences and challenges with respect to aerial robots that are the focus of this tutorial.
The mechatronic design of aerial manipulators is severely limited by the payload of the aerial platform. Installing arms with several DOFs involves the use of compact actuators, which also constraint the payload of the arm itself and its capacity to apply forces. Then, aerial manipulator controllers have to deal with the dynamic coupling of the movement of the arms, the disturbances of the contact forces and the weight of grasped objects. Additionally to the usual sensors in aerial robots, proprioceptive sensing of the state of the arms and mechanical devices is important for controller development. As aerial manipulators fly and interact closely with the environment, perception for estimation of relative pose with respect to the objects and the environment is critical. This tutorial aims at addressing all these issues from a practical point of view, introducing the different problems and presenting solutions that have been tested in practice in different applications.
ROBOT’2017: Third Iberian Robotics Conference November 22-24, 2017 Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Sevilla (Spain)
ROBOT´2017 ( follows the First Iberian Robotics Conference held in Madrid in 2013 and the Second Iberian Robotics Conference held in Lisbon in 2015. These previous and successful events, both from the viewpoint of their scientific and technical quality, and for the important number of attending
delegates, have motivated us in organizing ROBOT 2017.
The conference will explore the future of robotics and relations of Robotics with other fields in its frontiers. The conference will include a Round
Table organized by CDTI to discuss the industrial collaboration and to present success stories of these collaborations.
As in previous editions, the conference proceedings will be published by Springer – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series, indexed by
Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge and SCOPUS. Extended versions of the conference best papers will also be published in Special Issues of top Journals.
Robot’2017 is Organized by Sociedad Española para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Robótica (SEIDROB) and the Sociedade Portuguesa de Robótica
(SPR), with the collaboration of the “Red de Agentes Físicos” and the support of the Spanish Network for Robotics and Mechatronics (REDROM).
Paper Submission: June 30, 2017
Notification: July 24, 2017
Early Registration: September 7, 2017
Camera Ready: September 7, 2017
Conference: November 22-24, 2017
Workshop “Robotics and unmanned systems for security applications”
Next December 2, 2016, the Workshop “Robotics and Unmanned Systems for Security Applications” will take place in Madrid co-organized by the “Spanish Society for Research and Development on Robotics (SEIDROB)”, in collaboration with the “Robotics and Mechatronics Spanish Robotics Network (REDROM)” and several projects.
The Program includes Sessions on Programmes and Needs (Presentations of government agencies and police services related to Research, Development and Innovation), Systems and Applications developed by industries and Results of universities and research centres.
Detailed information can be found here where it is also possible to download the presentations.
Workshop “Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance”
Next July 7th the Workshop “Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance” will take place in Madrid organized by “Robotics and Mechatronics Spanish Robotics Network (REDROM)” and “Spanish Society for Research and Development on Robotics (SEIDROB)”, in collaboration with H2020 projects. Detailed information can be found here.
The Programme includes, besides dedicated sessions for the H2020 (Anne Bajart, European Commission y Reinhard Lafrenz, euRobotics) and funding in Spain (Enrique Pelayo and Carlos Toledo, CDTI), two sessions with presentations about robotics applications and technologies relevant for the inspection and maintenance.
ROBOT 2015
The Second Iberian Robotics Conference (Robot 2015) took place in Lisbon (Portugal) on November 19-21 2015 and it also had a great success. The local organizer was the Portuguese Robotics Society.