Sociedad Española para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Robótica

SEIDROB pretende dar respuesta al interés creciente en la investigación y desarrollo en robótica, integrando esfuerzos de colectivos, grupos y redes existentes.
SEIDROB se ha constituido en Noviembre de 2011 siendo socios fundadores investigadores de 7 Universidades y 3 Centros de Investigación que, a su vez, juegan un papel muy activo en 5 asociaciones relacionadas con la robótica y otros campos que se consideran de interés para su futuro desarrollo y aplicación.
SEIDROB invita a todos los miembros de la comunidad española de investigación y desarrollo en robótica a que se asocien para dar a conocer sus actividades, buscar sinergias y contribuir al desarrollo de la robótica en España.
Modificación del orden del día de la Asamblea General de SEIDROB
Se modifica el orden del día de la Asamblea General de la Sociedad Española para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Robótica que se envió en un correo anterior. Pido disculpas si ya has recibido la misma información por otros medios.
Fecha: 24/11/2022
Horario: 17h40 a 18h50
Lugar: aula Magna del Paraninfo de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Plaza Basilio Paraíso, 4, Zaragoza
Nuevo orden del día:1. Aprobación del acta anterior
2. Informe del Presidente
3. Solicitud de Red de Robótica e Interacción con Humanos
4. Aprobación de cuentas
5. Propuesta de ingresos/gastos 2023
6. Renovación de la Junta Directiva
7. Candidaturas para la celebración de la conferencia ROBOT2024
8. Ruegos y preguntas
Convocatoria Asamblea General SEIDROB
se convoca la Asamblea General de la Sociedad Española de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Robótica que tendrá lugar durante la conferencia ROBOT2022 que se celebrará en Zaragoza del 23 al 25 de noviembre de 2022 en el Paraninfo de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
Fecha: 24/11/2022
Horario: 17h40 a 18h50
Lugar: aula Magna del Paraninfo de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Plaza Basilio Paraíso, 4, Zaragoza
Orden del día:
– Aprobación del acta anterior
– Informe del Presidente
– Solicitud de Red de Robótica e Interacción con Humanos
– Aprobación de cuentas
– Propuesta de ingresos/gastos 2022-2023
– Renovación de la Junta Directiva
– Candidaturas para la celebración ROBOT2023
– Ruegos y preguntas
ROBOT2022: Call for Participation – 3 weeks left!
Call for Participation
ROBOT2022 – Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference
November 23 – 25, 2022
Zaragoza, Spain
Conference Scope
ROBOT2022, the Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference, will take place in Zaragoza, Spain, from 23 to 25 November 2022, following the four previous editions held in Madrid in 2013, Lisbon in 2015, Seville in 2017 and Porto in 2019.
ROBOT2022 is Organized by: SEIDROB – Sociedad Española para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Robótica, and SPR – Sociedade Portuguesa de Robótica
ROBOT2022 main goal is to continue the precedent efforts in showing the robotic research and development of new applications in the Iberian Peninsula. Although focused on the works developed at Iberia the conference is open for good quality submissions from any country in the world.
We are hereby inviting any interested parties to attend the conference. Please pass on the information to your colleagues that might be interested.
Keynote Speakers
Wednesday, November 23
Anibal Ollero, University of Seville, Spain
Thursday, November 24
Estela Bicho, University of Minho, Portugal
Wolfram Burgard, University of Technology Nuremberg, Germany
Friday, November 25
Margarita Chli, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Special Sessions
Besides the General Track on all days of the conference, the following Special Sessions will take place:
Wednesday, November 23
Machine Learning in Robotics
Educational Robotics
Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics
Intelligent Robotics
Thursday, November 24
Workshop on Physical Agents
Mobile Robot Olfaction
Project Presentations
Friday, November 25
Multi-Robot for Industrial Applications
Multi-Robot Systems Challenges
Service Robotics in Challenging Environments
Versatile and Heterogeneous Robots in Agriculture
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Applications
Social Program
Wednesday, November 23
13:40 Welcome Reception
18:00 Visit of the Aljafería Palace
Thursday, November 24
18:50 City Tour
20:45 Banquet
Friday, November 25
14:30 Farewell Cocktail
Special Events
Thursday, November 24
MathWorks Masterclass: Teaching Robotics with Matlab
Friday, November 25
Roundtable discussion
ROBOT2022 Conference Chairs
Danilo Tardioli – Centro Universitario de la Defensa / I3A University of Zaragoza, Spain
Vicente Matellán – University of León, Spain
Guillermo Heredia – University de Sevilla, Spain
Manuel F. Silva – INESC TEC & ISEP/Porto Polytechnic, Portugal
Lino Marques – University of Coimbra, Portugal
We hope to see you in beautiful Zaragoza!
ROBOT2022 – First Call for Papers
Call for Papers
ROBOT2022 – Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference
November 23-25, 2022
Zaragoza – Spain
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that ROBOT2022 – Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference will be held at the Paraninfo Building of the University of Zaragoza during November 23-25, 2022, following the four previous and successful events, both from the viewpoint of their scientific and technical quality, and for the important number of attending delegates, of the Iberian Robotics Conference held in Madrid in 2013, Lisbon in 2015, Seville in 2017 and Porto in 2019.
ROBOT2022 main goal is to continue the precedent efforts in showcasing the robotics research and development of new applications in the Iberian Peninsula. Although focused on the works developed at Iberia, the conference is open for submissions from any country in the world.
ROBOT2022 will feature technical and social programs. The technical program will comprise plenary, regular and special sessions. All articles submitted for inclusion in the conference will be peer reviewed before acceptance. It is envisaged that all accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, which will be published by Springer – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series, indexed by Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge and SCOPUS, subject to registration of at least one author for presenting the work. A selection of the conference-presented best papers will also be recommended for publication as extended versions in Special Issues from international top ranked Journals.
We invite original contributions in all areas relevant to robotics, covering mobile, walking, flying, marine, underwater, and industrial robots. The conference will cover analysis (modelling and simulation) techniques, design approaches, and practical applications and realisations of developed robotic systems. Support technologies for realisation of such systems, namely sensors and actuators, computer vision and image processing, tactile & haptics devices, control algorithms and architectures, localization, mapping and navigation, associated economic, ethical, legal and social considerations are integral part of the conference theme. Human-robot interaction, including medical robots, exoskeletons, prostheses and orthoses, as well as personal and service robots forms an increasingly active and important pertinent area. A non-exhaustive list of topics and activities can be found on the website.
Apr 15, 2022 Submission of Special Session proposals
Apr 22, 2022 Notification of Special Session acceptance
Jun 28, 2022 Submission of full draft papers
Jul 29, 2022 Notification of paper acceptance
Sep 06, 2022 Submission of final (camera ready) papers
Sep 06, 2022 Early bird registration (reduced fee)
Nov 23-25, 2022 Conference
Researchers interested in organizing workshops and special sessions are invited to follow the instructions on the website. Each proposal should be limited to one A4 page in length and must include title, a brief description of the motivation and relevance of the session, name and affiliation of the organizer(s) and (if already available) the contacted authors and titles for tentative papers for the session.
The technical program of the conference will feature Regular Papers and Special Session Papers. Authors are invited to submit their full draft papers in PDF format from the paper submission page of the conference web-site by the indicated deadline for consideration for inclusion in the relevant category (special/regular paper). Articles submitted for inclusion in the conference will be peer reviewed before acceptance. Final accepted papers will be limited to 12 pages and must follow the Springer AISC template, given in the Call & Instructions web page.
Best regular and student Paper Awards will be also selected by their respective committees judging technical merit, originality, potential impact on the field, clarity of the written paper, and quality of the conference presentation. Also, SEIDROB-SPR Best iberian PhD in Robotics will be awarded during the conference.
Conference General Co-Chairs
Danilo Tardioli – CUD Zaragoza / I3A University of Zaragoza, Spain
Vicente Matellán – University of León, Spain
Guillermo Heredia – University de Sevilla, Spain
Manuel F. Silva – ISEP/Porto Polytechnic, Portugal
Lino Marques – University of Coimbra, Portugal